Also, I am in three blogathons, all of which are in March. Please do not misunderstand me; those blogathons are not burdens in the least! In fact, I am very, very excited about them. I just want to write substantial, interesting posts for the blogathons; I've been getting sources from the library and having a ball reading them. :-). So instead of posting the regular Movie Matinee Monday this week, I will be working on my blogathon posts (you can catch the first one posted at the end of the week!). I a, so excited to share my thoughts on the blogathon subjects with you guys! Also, early next week or late this week, you can be looking forward to a review of a box set I got last week. I am really excited to share the photos and my thoughts on the box set with you.
Thank you for reading!
And to tide you over until a real post, here's one of my favorite photographs I've ever seen: Fred and Ginger filming Cheek to Cheek in Top Hat. Because Astaire and Rogers put a smile on any OH fan's face. :-)
Ta-ta, dahlings!
Good luck on the studying! I recently graduated from college so those memories are still pretty fresh in my mind :/
Thank you very much, Phyl!
I'm in high school still now, but I suppose these tests are good practice for college, eh? :-)
Thank you again for the encouragement!
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